SmartBoy's Net Worth for May 2018

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $48,690 $14,633 42.97%
Stocks $1,440,906 $28,845 2.04%
Bonds $35,701 ($32,526) (47.67%)
Annuities $89,992 $6,000 7.14%
Retirement $361,917 $12,848 3.68%
Home $610,000 - -
Other Real Estate $0 - -
Cars $20,000 - -
Personal Property $23,500 - -
Other Assets $92,272 $8,423 10.05%
$2,722,978 $38,223 1.42%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Other Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Student Loans $0 - -
Credit Cards $0 - -
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $0 - -
Total Debts $0 - -
Net Worth $2,722,978 $38,223 1.42%
*All values shown in CAD ($)
As of May 26, 2018. "Cash" = personal cash, including partner's account to which I am contributing and responsible for. "Stocks" = all non-registered equity investments, RESP savings, combined personal and corporate holdings (Canadian/US/International Index Funds & ETFs), but also including RESP holdings for Kevin. "Bonds" = corporate cash (only actual cash, does not include any money in brokerage accounts). "Annuities" = Whole life policy, invested in corporate name. "Retirement" = investments in RRSP accounts only. "Other Assets" = investments in TFSA accounts only.

Finally making some progress - markets seemed to pick up though I have some real dogs which continue to lag, total dividend payments currently total $61,685 annually (which doesn't include my mutual fund distributions), so the more tangible goal of building enough passive income to be able to support the family indefinitely with no further increase in principal seems to be progressing along. To compare, on January 1/17 my annual dividend take was $44,919 annually. Sticking with solid blue-chip dividend payers will pay off in the long-term, but avoiding dogs will be big in that process of accumulating wealth too.

Income should be solid and there should be a bit less travelling and steady income for the next couple of months leading up to paternity leave in September.
