FatStacks' Net Worth for December 2008

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $0 - -
Stocks $0 - -
Cars $0 ($3,000) -
Home $151,400 - -
401k & Profit Sharing $26,306 ($2,663) (9.19%)
$177,706 ($5,663) (3.09%)
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage $136,680 ($2,657) (1.91%)
Student Loans (2.8%) $54,510 ($1,958) (3.47%)
CC (0% pay off evry mnth) $18,193 ($8,731) (32.43%)
Car Loan $3,980 ($2,184) (35.43%)
Total Debts $213,363 ($15,530) (6.78%)
Net Worth ($35,657) $9,867 21.67%
*All values shown in USD ($)
Retirement figures are estimates - I don't have the exact figures from back then.
