LegalTeam's Net Worth for November 2019

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $0 - -
Stocks & Crypto $845 $7 0.84%
Company Stock & Options $235,953 $1,912 0.82%
Annuities Whole Life $234,664 $2,288 0.98%
Retirement $2,255,539 $25,495 1.14%
529 Accounts $201,331 $6,480 3.33%
Home $2,150,000 - -
Personal Property $815,000 $815,000 -
$5,893,332 $36,182 0.62%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $1,867,178 ($3,291) (0.18%)
Rental Mortgage $733,500 - -
Credit Cards $116,273 ($28,301) (19.58%)
Life Insurance Loan $40,015 ($909) (2.22%)
Total Debts $2,756,966 ($32,501) (1.17%)
Net Worth $3,136,366 $68,683 2.24%
*All values shown in USD ($)
Was tracking over at NetworthIQ, but no more.
Other assets = 529 accounts
Cash is net of credit card and personal loan debt. If Credit Card debt is a positive number, such debt exceeds current cash on hand.
Other debts = loans against life insurance
Retirement accounts value increased approx 272,000 over last 12 months for an ROI of 100%.

$1M NW at age 40; $2M NW at age 43; $3M NW at age 45
