broke4now's Net Worth for November 2010

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $8,000 $6,700 515.38%
Stocks $0 - -
Notes $0 - -
Life Ins Cash Value $0 - -
401k - Roth - HSA $1,500 - -
Home $0 - -
Other Real Estate $0 - -
Cars $23,000 - -
Personal Property $30,000 - -
Boats $0 - -
$62,500 $6,700 12.01%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Other Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Student Loans $101,500 ($1,150) (1.12%)
Credit Cards $53,700 $3,760 7.53%
Car Loans $22,000 ($2,500) (10.20%)
Other Debts $30,500 ($200) (0.65%)
Total Debts $207,700 ($90) (0.04%)
Net Worth ($145,200) $6,790 4.47%
*All values shown in USD ($)
I did what I said I wouldnt do again - got another credit card to make the holidays go smoother. Charged just over 12K in 6 weeks - dumb. Was supposed to free up money to pay off higher interest cards, but I got a little carried away. Saving some cash to pay taxes. I thought I witheld plenty - apparently not. I cant imagine if they actually would have let the Bush cuts expire. Yes I make over 250, but I am NOT wealthy. Getting really tired of making money for someone else. Wanting to open my own pratice more everyday. Would probably hire 4-5 people - definitely wouldnt have done it if taxes went up. I guess tax cuts do create jobs afterall.
