kinless' Net Worth for December 2023

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $115,475 ($364) (0.31%)
ULI Total Value $11,145 $5 0.04%
Retirement $313,329 $12,662 4.21%
Home $795,000 $5,000 0.63%
Other Real Estate $462,000 $500 0.11%
Cars $2,100 - -
Personal Property $22,000 - -
Other Assets $110 $110 -
$1,721,159 $17,913 1.05%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $212,000 ($881) (0.41%)
Other Mortgage(s) $242,000 ($1,351) (0.56%)
Credit Cards $0 ($2,908) -
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $35,000 - -
Total Debts $489,000 ($5,140) (1.04%)
Net Worth $1,232,159 $23,053 1.91%
*All values shown in USD ($)
So how did 2023 fare?

Not too shabby actually, despite repeated calls for a deep recession and other such travesties. But as they say, stand your ground and stay the course.

These end-of-year traditional financial moves took place: all credit cards paid off, bank accounts rebalanced, additional principal to mortgages. You know, the usual. One freelance paycheck did have to be pushed to January, but that's not the end of the world.

What's in store for '24? A new SLR camera and equipment. Sixteen years is too long to go without upgrading your gear. Also need a new laptop, but I don't know if Apple will release their next generation machine before the end of the 2024, so that's a question mark. The last thing is a new ride, but I'm hoping that's a 2025 expenditure. Nothing else that large is on the docket.

Finally I'm going to attempt bumping the savings rate to 20%. More than half of it is already earmarked for lump sum contributions come January 1st. Plus there's way too much idle cash sitting around anyway so best to offload it to something that returns at least 5%. If any dips in the market come about, I'll be prepared with that dry powder.

Until next year!


12/30/2023 1:06:10 PM kinless
Total gain in net worth for this year is 14.1%, much better than anticipated. Bumping savings rate to 20% for 2024.