kinless' Net Worth for March 2024

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $109,832 $450 0.41%
ULI Total Value $11,157 $4 0.04%
Retirement $359,593 $12,073 3.47%
Home $814,000 $8,000 0.99%
Other Real Estate $465,000 $1,000 0.22%
Cars $2,100 - -
Personal Property $23,500 - -
Other Assets $106 - -
$1,785,288 $21,527 1.22%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $209,485 ($840) (0.40%)
Other Mortgage(s) $240,496 ($503) (0.21%)
Credit Cards $2,634 ($867) (24.76%)
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $35,000 - -
Total Debts $487,615 ($2,210) (0.45%)
Net Worth $1,297,673 $23,737 1.86%
*All values shown in USD ($)
I was much better behaved during March. No crazy expenses for the time being. My raise has taken effect so slight budgetary and contribution adjustments have been made. Added more to the brokerage which puts totals at 90% for the year, and will likely finish that off at the end of Q2 (June).

Markets continue to stay elevated, although it just feels like there can't be much more room to run. But I know that I know nothing so will ignore the voices in my head.

Real estate has apparently continued to stay in nutty territory. A few houses down, a model just like mine sold for over $1MM. Good for me I guess but terrible for everyone trying to find a new place around here. If that real estate commission ruling was going to cause any havoc, I ain't seen it yet.

Q1 already over with, and a healthy net worth is ever increasing. Hopefully Q2 brings more of the same. Peace!
