Net Worth Comparison

ymgllc's Profile

United States Dollar - USD
Date Joined
Salary Range
10,000 - 19,999
Age Range
Cost Of Living
Low Cost Of Living (LCOL)
About Me
25 yrs old from South Dakota - Come from a lower-middle class family - dad earned 50k per a year since 2008 today (no changes in 12 years) mother did nt work when i was young but started to help at a Day Care. making eoughly 25k - I have my AS Degree - in Accounting I have only worked a few years in the industry - but I am continuing to go to school when I can afford it - recently getting into TRADING & INVESTING
Why I Joined
To keep Track
Best Financial Decision
Continuing to educate myself in everything life, money, business, relationships and self...
Worst Financial Decision
Not Selling AMC stock at 72$
Current Investing Strategy
Save and invest every
How do you manage your finances?
Pretty Strictly
What tools do you use?
I need financial help with...
Advancing my earning
Last Login
This user has not created a budget
Net Worth Entries
All values shown in USD ($)
2023 - December $21,592 $35,654 ($14,062)
2023 - November $18,451 $35,554 ($17,103)