kinless' Net Worth for April 2023

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $106,388 $1,123 1.07%
ULI Total Value $11,107 $746 7.20%
Retirement $273,000 $5,760 2.16%
Home $753,500 $2,500 0.33%
Other Real Estate $452,000 $1,500 0.33%
Cars $2,100 ($100) (4.55%)
Personal Property $21,500 $500 2.38%
Other Assets $0 - -
$1,619,595 $12,029 0.75%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $218,651 ($807) (0.37%)
Other Mortgage(s) $246,770 ($477) (0.19%)
Credit Cards $2,963 $1,054 55.21%
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $35,000 - -
Total Debts $503,384 ($230) (0.05%)
Net Worth $1,116,211 $12,259 1.11%
*All values shown in USD ($)
Overall, not a terrible month. Most things headed in the right direction. I did misbehave on purchases a little bit, buying advance travel plans as well as some photo equipment accessories, but the latter is a business expense. Life insurance premium also kicked in. Thankfully most of these things can be absorbed into the overall net worth.

I've got some major freelance jobs in the works, so the payout on those in the next 3 months will be a nice bump. Property values are strangely heading back up. Don't know how, don't know why, but that's how it goes I suppose.

This recession I keep hearing about is still supposed to be coming, so I'm not doing anything crazy with investment, except for some limit orders here and there in case the bottom does fall out, but I'm doing as best I can to ignore the noise. I don't have time to worry about it anyway!

Marching on...
